GMC Jimmy Depreciation Rate and Curve

Are you researching the depreciation rates in a GMC Jimmy? On this page, we'll list all the depreciation information for the 10 years of data we have for the GMC Jimmy - from 1989 to the most recent model in 2001.

GMC Jimmy Historical Depreciation Table

Below is a historical table for the GMC Jimmy that displays year by year depreciation data.
Model Year Price When New (%) Current Depreciation ($) Current Depreciation Current Residual Value
2001 $26,903 90% $24,236 $2,667
2000 $28,437 85% $24,195 $4,242
1999 $25,647 85% $21,697 $3,950
1998 $24,694 84% $20,789 $3,905
1997 $22,620 83% $18,708 $3,912
1996 $21,711 82% $17,886 $3,825
1995 $21,184 81% $17,237 $3,947
1991 $19,404 (+) 19% (Appreciation) (+) $3,696 (Appreciation) $23,100
1990 $17,924 (+) 30% (Appreciation) (+) $5,376 (Appreciation) $23,300
1989 $16,799 (+) 101% (Appreciation) (+) $17,001 (Appreciation) $33,800

Forecasted Depreciation

Model Year Forecast Value Forecast Period (years)
2001 $2,880 5
2000 $2,880 5
1999 $2,880 5
1998 $2,880 5
1997 $2,880 5
1996 $2,880 5
1995 $2,880 5
1991 $2,880 5
1990 $2,880 5
1989 $2,880 5